Collection: Pedigree

Shop the leading dog food brand Pedigree at Direct4Pet. Featuring wet and dry foods, as well as treats and chew sticks, Pedigree dog food is available in a range of delicious flavours including chicken, beef, gravy and more. Discover our full collection of healthy, nutritious adult and puppy dog food, treats and chews.

Pedigree Tasty Minis Puppy Treats Chewy Cubes with Chicken 125g
Pedigree Tasty Minis Puppy Treats Chewy Cubes with Chicken 125g
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Why do vets recommend pedigree?
Yes, Pedigree dog food is recommended by vets as it is made with high-quality, safe ingredients which provide the right balance of vitamins, fibre, calcium and protein to ensure your dog is receiving a nutritionally balanced diet. For more veterinary approved dog food, browse through our full collection of wet and dry dog food and treats to find the one your pup will love.

Is Pedigree dog food complete?
Yes, most of Pedigree's dog food is made from natural ingredients, vitamins and minerals to give your dog a 100% complete and balanced meal. Many dog owners opt to choose Pedigree dog food to give their dogs all of the essentials they need to live a happy and healthy life.